Makana Therapeutics Team

Joe Tector, MD, PhD, FACS

Mark Platt
President & CEO

Matt Tector, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer

Ed Gray
Chief Operating Officer

Zak Dorsey
VP Finance & Business Development

Karl Kraebber
VP Operations

Maria Sanchez
Office Manager & Executive Assistant

Sabrina Copsel, PhD
Senior Scientist
Sabrina Copsel is an accomplished immunology and cancer research scientist with over 15 years of expertise across various fields, including Transplantation, Cellular Therapy, Tumor Biology, Pharmacology, and Biochemistry. She earned her Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Cancer from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and conducted her post-doctoral research on leukemic stem cells at Radboud University, The Netherlands. Upon moving to the United States, Dr. Copsel joined the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Miami, where she investigated graft versus host disease in the context of bone marrow transplantation. Currently, at Makana Therapeutics, she utilizes her extensive experience in transplant immunology to develop and validate histocompatibility and flow cytometric assays related to xenotransplantation, driving advancements in the field.

Claudia Muniz, PhD
Research Associate II
Claudia Muniz is an experienced geneticist with expertise in the molecular biology of viral infections. She earned her Ph.D. in Genetics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During her doctoral studies, she worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, developing assays for identifying retroviruses in non-human primates and investigating transmission to humans. Her postdoctoral research at the National Cancer Institute (INCA) focused on oncovirus detection, advancing diagnostics for HIV-1 and Hepatitis C. More recently, she joined the University of Miami’s Pathology Department where she studied gene delivery of antibodies to develop HIV-1 vaccines. At Makana Therapeutics, she works on designing and validating molecular diagnostic assays for a pathogen screening program covering over 55 pathogens affecting animals and humans.

Mariana Schlesinger, PhD
Research Associate

Juan Lasalle
Research Associate